May 6‐10 is Staff Appreciation Week!
We will need help bringing food for a staff meal, helping with the snack cart, volunteering in car rider line, bringing a breakfast item, donating a raffle prize, etc.
- Be on the lookout for emails (if you are already on the Staff Appreciation team).
- Email for BMP and for BME and they will add you to their list.
- Check out the My Teacher’s Favorite Things list in the front office at each school and bring ANY staff a special treat.
- Have your child write a note, pick a flower, give a compliment, work hard, lend a helping hand, etc.
We appreciate all the ways you have helped love of our staff at 2 schools this year!!! You are making a difference!
Here’s how you can be involved:
MONDAY: Bring muffins for Staff Coffee
TUESDAY: Write a note for your teacher
WEDNESDAY: Check the staff favorite things
THURSDAY: Bring something for the staff lunch or volunteer to serve
FRIDAY: Volunteer to help wash staff car windows at your child’s school