Staff Appreciation Week

May 6‐10 is Staff Appreciation Week!

We will need help bringing food for a staff meal, helping with the snack cart, volunteering in car rider line, bringing a breakfast item, donating a raffle prize, etc.

  1. Be on the lookout for emails (if you are already on the Staff Appreciation team).
  2. Email for BMP and for BME and they will add you to their list.
  3. Check out the My Teacher’s Favorite Things list in the front office at each school and bring ANY staff a special treat.
  4. Have your child write a note, pick a flower, give a compliment, work hard, lend a helping hand, etc.

We appreciate all the ways you have helped love of our staff at 2 schools this year!!! You are making a difference!

Here’s how you can be involved:

MONDAY: Bring muffins for Staff Coffee

TUESDAY: Write a note for your teacher

WEDNESDAY: Check the staff favorite things

THURSDAY: Bring something for the staff lunch or volunteer to serve

FRIDAY: Volunteer to help wash staff car windows at your child’s school

BMP Sign Up

BME Sign Up

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