We have two positions opening up on our Executive Board. We are in need of a Treasurer as well as a Vice President at the Elementary School.
Here is an example of some of the duties that might be required of a PTO Treasurer. We use Money Minder to track our financial transactions and the Executive Board currently meets bi-monthly. Please contact to Jen Marsh and she can run you through the details related to our BMS PTO!
We are also looking for a new Vice President for the Elementary School. We have two VPs, one for each school. The VP responsibilities currently consist of checking in with the committee chairs and the principals, but there is a degree of flexibility with the role as well. What do VPs do? Please contact Jen Marsh to learn more about the role specifics at BME.
If you are interested in either of these positions, please contact our President, Jen Marsh at president@blackmountainpto.org to learn about the specifics of each role to our organization!
If you are new to the school, you might be wondering what the PTO does. Here is a great article on defining the role of the PTO.
Our BMS PTO supports staff through numerous staff appreciation events throughout the year. We also have several family events, including Family Movie Night and Winterfest. We support the school through Fundraisers, such as our annual Boosterthon Fun Run and the Lead the Way 5K. We even raised enough funds to build a new playground at the Primary School in 2018 (in conjunction with a grant from Kaboom and the YMCA)! We also support students with our BMS Gives Back and our Lunch Buddies programs. We also help support school events with our parent volunteers for events like the Health Fair, Picture Day, Book Fairs, Field Day, and Grounds clean-up. If you have ever volunteered for one of these events, you are part of our PTO!
You can also catch up from our meeting in September, as well as read our by-laws and financial policies HERE.
“The purpose of the PTO shall, through volunteer and financial contributions, enhance and support the educational experience at Black Mountain Primary & Elementary Schools; promote the welfare and growth of each child; encourage and develop strong parental and community involvement with the schools; provide enriching experiences for Black Mountain Primary & Elementary Schools’ students; and assist in any other manner deemed necessary and appropriate to improve the environment at Black Mountain Primary & Elementary Schools.” BMS PTO By-laws, September 2019