Hello BMP Families, I want to thank you for everything you are doing to support your children and our staff during this time of change. Our classrooms are vacant and we can’t thank you enough for the support you are providing from home, as teachers deliver instruction virtually. On a daily basis, I am joining classrooms and enjoy seeing happy, smiling faces on students, teachers, and a few parents in the background. Please remember that communication is key to virtual learning. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your childs’ teacher, via email. If you are not already taking advantage of meal service, I want to remind you that drive through meal service is available for any child ages 2-18. We can’t predict what will happen in the next several weeks but it is evident that together we are #BCSstrong. One thing I know from experience is that when needed this community comes together! Take care of yourself as you care for your family, Mrs. McGinnis ——- Like you, I certainly understood that COVID-19 was going to impact our country, but until we began living it I did not feel the full weight of the changes this virus has brought. These past 2 weeks have reminded me of what I have always known, the people are what make up a school. The students, teachers, and families are what makes Black Mountain Elementary the incredible place that it is. Even though the building is empty (mostly), Black Mountain Elementary is thriving in your homes and the homes of the teachers and staff. Before March 18th, I had never even been in a Zoom meeting. Now I am in a countless number of them each day, connecting with students and teachers the only way we can during this time and let me tell you how amazing it is! Seeing students happy to see each others faces, their teachers faces, and continue to still work together has been an incredible learning experience for all of us. The teachers and staff changed school as we have known it in a matter of 2 days, and I couldn’t be more proud of how they have faced the challenge placed in front of them and continue to meet the needs of all of our students. Parents and families, you earned your teaching degrees overnight and are doing an outstanding job partnering with us during this unprecedented time. I want to thank each of you for everything that you are doing at home! None of us asked for this and we still have a lot to learn in the days ahead, but I am honored and humbled to be working through this with all of you. Even when we are apart, we are still Black Mountain War Ponies! Stay well, Nicole Roberts |
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Stay connected. We will share BCS posts on our FB page. Be sure to check response.buncombeschools.org for the latest information. Please follow @BuncombeSchools on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. And, please download the BCS app and “opt-in” for notifications. Follow us at @blackmountainschoolspto on facebook and @blkmtnpto on instagram and twitter. |