December 2020 PTO Updates


Boosterthon was a success this year, even though it was virtual. We raised $17,096 for both schools! Thank you so much to everyone who contributed!

Overall, the net earnings at the Primary School were $5,611 and the Elementary School $2,785! Thank you so much for all of your continued support of our schools!

Business Partners

Our business partner program has also been a great success this year, raising $2,496 for the Primary School and $1,248 for the Elementary School. Thanks so much to all of our business partners for your support:

Blue Ridge Waterscapes, Greybeard Realty, Dynamite Roasting Co, White Insurance Agency, Black Mountain Yarn Shop, State Farm – Jerry Morris, Bennett Chiropractic, Sunshine Pharmacy, Black Mountain Savings Bank, Veranda Café, and Louise’s Kitchen!AmazonSmile and BoxTopsThank you to those who used AmazonSmile, so far we have earned $26.36 this year from AmazonSmile. Remember to shop at for a portion of your purchase to go to a charity of your choice. A big thank you to those who are sending in Box Tops and scanning your receipts, we should be getting a check from them soon as well!

Track Update

We are in the planning phase for a new track out in the field at the Primary School, stay tuned for more information!

Teacher Grants

Our teacher grant program is underway. Each teacher is given $100 reimbursement each year for classroom supplies. So far we have given away $900 in grants this year. Teachers, don’t forget about this! Reimbursements must be submitted by the end of February!Leader in Me ProgramThanks to your support over the years and the Lead the Way 5K in years past, we were able to support continuing education this year for the Leader in Me Program at Black Mountain Primary School.Staff AppreciationSupporting teachers and staff has been a big focus this year. Our staff appreciation committee has been working steadily to make our staff feel appreciated during this time. Thank you for all you are doing and thank you teachers, staff, AND parents of all or your support during this school year!
PTO Board UpdatesIt is with sadness that we let you know that our PTO President Jen Marsh is stepping down at the end of this month as her child is changing schools. She has been on the executive board for several years and helping out for several more! She will be missed!

Please welcome Rachel Sudnik, who was appointed as our new interim PTO president at our December meeting. Also joining the board are Kiersten Hall and Michelle Chapman, who have volunteered to be the interim co-treasurers.

Brittany Williams is the VP at the Primary School and Katie Duvall is the VP at the Elementary School. Delta Davis is our secretary.

Sara Stillwell, Becky Swann, and Erica Griffin are helping out with Staff Appreciation at the Primary School and we are on the lookout for some more parents to do the same at the Elementary School since Rachel Sudnik is transitioning to President!

Nominations for the 2020-21 school year will begin in February. We are also still looking for help with our communications team! The communications team helps compile newsletters and emails as well as manages our social media and website. Michelle and Brittany did this role last year and can help!Our next PTO Board meeting will be on Monday, January 11th at 3:15pm virtually. If you would like to attend, please let us know and we can send you the link.

If you have any questions, please ask us at!
Black Mountain Schools PTO MissionThe purpose of the PTO shall, through volunteer and financial contributions, enhance and support the educational experience at Black Mountain Primary & Elementary Schools; promote the welfare and growth of each child; encourage and develop strong parental and community involvement with the schools; provide enriching experiences for Black Mountain Primary & Elementary Schools’ students; and assist in any other manner deemed necessary and appropriate to improve the environment at Black Mountain Primary & Elementary Schools.

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